Panchang is collection of 5 (panch) elements (ang),of moon's position. These five elements are:-
These Yogas and Karanas are particularly observed for child birth and nature of the child being born during that time.Also while meeting a new person, they are observed by few to know the mindset of that person at that moment.
Yogas in Panchang
Calculation of yoga
Yoga =Longitude of sun + Longitude of moon13°20'
Based on this there are 27 yogas
Karanas in Panchang
Karana is half a Tithi or Moon Phase. There are four Fixed Karanas and seven movable karanas. The fixed karanas occour only once in a month.the movable karanas occour eight times in a month.
The four fixed kaarnas are
7 reoccouring kaaranas are