There are always few queries in the mind of Atheist and people with the other religion, taking Lord Rama existence into consideration.
I always wanted to prove that Lord Ram did really exist. There are plenty of proofs of his existence. Right from Ram Setu, various places in Lanka, Chitrakoot and lots of other references Saryu river etc etc.
Few days back, i got a chance to know that few scientists did research on Events described in Ramayan (Astronomical events described), they verified these astronomical activities had happened on exactly the same dates and time as described in Santana scriptures.
Below is the horoscope (Kundli) of Lord Rama (as described in our scriptures), which matches the exact position of Planets at that moment (Research done by an advanced software i.e. Planatorium).
Here are few Specific dates, that can be attributed to Lord Rama in the modern English Calendar. This is based on the astronomical events described in Ramayan. I am writing this article in hurry, but will surely update it again with more clarity.
Important Dates and Events:
10 Jan 5114 BCE - Shri Ram Navmi (Birthdate of Lord Ram) [7129 years ago]
11 Jan 5114 BCE - Birthdate of Bharat
05 Jan 5089 BCE - Vanvas to Lord Ram (At his age of 25, he was advised to live in forest for 14 years)
04 Jan 5089 BCE - Pre Coronation Eve
07 Oct 5077 BCE - Khar-Dushan Killed
12 Dec 5077 BCE - Mata Seeta took over by Ravan to Lanka
03 Apr 5076 BCE - Vali Killed
12 Sep 5076 BCE - Lord Hanuman visit to Lanka and met with Mata Seeta
14 Sep 5076 BCE - Lord Hanuman returned from Lanka
20 Sep 5076 BCE - Lord Ram with his army marched towards Lanka
12 Oct 5076 BCE - Lord Ram with his army reached in Lanka Fort
24 Nov 5076 BCE - Meghnad Killed
04 Dec 5076 BCE - Ravan Killed
29 Dec 5076 BCE - Lord Ram came back to Ayodhaya (On Diwali)
The above dates are in cronical order of the events happened. In few of these dates, there are plenty of astronomical events described in Ramayan. Here, i am quoting two astronomical incidents, first when eclipse happened and another was the 'no moon'.
First: Eclipsed was due to Mars in between Sun and Earth, it has been described in Ramayan and has happened during the death of khardushan. This happened on 07 Oct 5077 BCE.
Second : No moon description was given in Sunder-Kaand, when Lord Hanuman met with Maa Seeta. This event has happened on 12 Sep 5076 BCE.
Due to time constraint, i am not able to write more on this. But certainly, i will be coming with lots of other facts very soon.
Happy Reading!!!
Jai Shri Ram